Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Then Black Friday.

Wanna know something that urkes me? The fact that on Thanksgiving you are giving thanks to what you have and what you are grateful for but yet the next day you trample people over, yell at people, or do anything just to get the deals that you want! I find it kind of ridiculous.
Thanksgiving is supposed to be a non selfish day. A day to spend time with you’re loved ones.  Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving still be thankful! Don’t get me wrong BlackFriday is pretty cool but I don’t go and trample people and fight for the things I want. If I don’t get what I want oh well. There always other times, or I could save up.

You’d do anything for that new phone when you just got one? You want that new T.V when you have a perfectly good one sitting in your room that you don’t even watch? Well some people want a place to live. Some people want food. Some people have to worry everyday how they’re going to survive and feed their families. While you’re over here wondering when the new phones going to come out so you can get it, think of all the people out on the streets who are wondering when someone can spare money for food.

It breaks my heart to see people all alone on the streets with just the clothes on their back and I’m sitting in the car eating. That’s why whenever I see a less fortunate person I give them money, or my mom will have bottles of water in the back and give them water and food. You should see the smile on their faces!! It makes a big difference, and those people don’t have to sit around thinking if someone actually cares about them. That Is why you should appreciate what you have and don’t take anything for granted. You never know what might happen tomorrow. 


  1. Mariah I like the fact that you talk about the importance of what thanksgiving is not that that you're supposed to be out buying a bunch of stuff just because its on sale.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mariah,
    All I have to say is I love this blog post you did. It is so amazing and heart-felt. It just means so much to me and all the people out there reading this. I know you were talking about Black Friday and Thanksgiving, but when you started talking about the homeless and the less-fortunate in the world my heart started to skip beats because I felt what you were writing. I thought in my head that if I were homeless or less-fortunate, I would want someone to care about me as much as they would for sales even if I'm just a nobody or unknown. It is truly awesome how you tied that into your blog. It just made me get sentimental and started making me appreciate daily of everything I do now. Even small stuff I do, I'm thankful for that. I just wanted to say that your blog post is truly amazing and is meaningful for the people who enjoys going out and getting great deals, but not realizing the fact that they aren't thankful for the reasons to be most thankfl for. Family, friends, food, shelter, clothes on their backs, eye-sight, hearing, walking, etc. Just keep doing your great blog posts. ;) Good Job!

    1. I'm glad that my post moved you. Alot of people don't realize that they're lucky for what they have. They need to stop taking it for granted. Glad you agree with me! c;
