<--Photo 1: Sleeping With Sirens!
Photo 2: Suicide Silence playing live! ^^^
Should you stand up for your beliefs? Yes! Alot of people just sit and go along with the crowd. They're scared of getting made fun of. They're scared of the fact that they might be different. I know the feeling.....it's not the best.
I believe that a person shouldn't have to feel intimidated everyday. The shouldn't feel like they have to hide because of what other people might think of them. Everybody is in titled they're own opinion. Everyone has to a right to believe in what they want to believe in. Just because you believe in a certain religion, like a certain style, listen to a certain music doesn't give people the right to say something to you. if you're a person who feels like you cant say what you believe or like because you're scared of what people might say,listen to me.....who cares what other people say! it's your opinion, you have yours and they have theirs.
Some say I shouldn’t be the one to talk because I didn’t take my own advice…but I eventually got up the courage to speak my mind! It worked great! Sure I have my haters but doesn’t everybody? It just means that you’re doing SOMETHING right. Haha. Now if you hear me in class I talk freely and carelessly about the things I was scared to say before. All it was was music! I like to listen to Screamo and Heavy Metal! It took me along time to realize that I cant please everyone and people won’t accept me for me. Oh well their loss because I have friends who love me for me and they don’t even like the music I listen to and the style I like. Only one does but that’s okay, as long as they don’t judge me.
Never feel pressured to believe or do a certain thing. You’re your own person no matter what. Others might disagree with you but don’t listen to them. You are unique! It’s okay to be different and to stand up for what you believe it. It means you’re real and you’re not trying to act fake! Its always better that way(:
Two of the bands i was judged for listening to are at the top.
Photo Credit 1
Photo Credit 2
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