"Early shopping and aggressive selling by merchants at unprecedented levels has shifted specialty store sales to earlier in the season, found in-store analytics leader RetailNext, causing overall reduction in traffic and sales on what is traditionally thought of as the Black Friday weekend. This revelation comes as part of RetailNext's analysis of shopping behavior for this very important period in North American retailing. The RetailNext analysis encompassed more than 650 stores and measured more than 2.6 million shopping trips to specialty retailers.This season, more retailers eager to capitalize on the holiday shopping season opened their doors for the Black Friday rush earlier than ever. 26% of specialty stores were open at midnight and a full 60% by 6:00 a.m. on Black Friday. By 1:00 p.m. on Black Friday, shoppers had completed 50% of the day's shopping trips and 60% of its purchasing," says PRNewswire Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 - 8:05 am.
I think that is rediculous having more people working at really late hours of the night. I mean come on people do you seriosly need like 5 more hours of shopping for things that are discounted. I think that is not smart because by the time you regularily go shopping on Black Friday there will be about nothing left. It is kind of convienant though because you can get rid of the thousands of people who are camping out on the side of your building.
So I guess it kind of works out on both sides. :)
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