Friday, December 14, 2012

Abortion? Adoption?

Abortion is horrible! I honestly do not like it. It is so sad to see babies die so young.

I wish abortion never existed. When i am older i am going to do something about it to stop it in some places. If parents don't want their babies why don't they put them up for adoption? Sometimes kids don't get adopted which is sad. Why is adoption even legal? I don't know why people even get pregnant if they don't even want their babies? makes no sense!

They should not let people get abortions at 20 weeks, the babies are so big and have way through the pregnancy!? Some adoption kids don't ever get adopted, its so sad. There should be another way of doing this, abortion is wrong and i am totally against it. Some people don't even care about what's going on with people and their babies! While i was ready this article i was reading that sometimes abortions can be from a miscarriage.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

We Are All Equal

I think every human should deserve the same treatment. No matter who they are. But, people think that men are better workers, women cause more drama and do not work as hard as men. Like a Wal-Mart case last year. "Women on average earn 77 cents for every dollar that earned by men." Wal-Mart is a large employer, and 65% of the employees are women. They have the same amount of experience, the pay difference grows wider, and limits women's opportunities to apply for management positions.
And, then there is bullying. People mostly bully others because they are different from them. So, they feel the need to pick on them,and make fun of them. The kids who are most often bullied get to a point to where they snap and commit suicide. About 4,400 people die from bullying every year. And most of it is because they are different and they aren't the same as everyone. "Treat others the way you want to be treated."

All Humans Deserve The Same Treatment.

In my opinion, most humans deserve the same treatment. Some are mean and some are kind. The kind ones deserve to be treated the same. They’re nice to one another and don’t hurt the others around them. The mean people are the ones people have to worry about.

 Some people are mean for no apparent reason. Its like they live to hurt other people. They make fun of you, hurt you mentally and physically…I should know. But the thing that angers me and hurts my heart is to see people making fun of a mentally disabled person! Why? Why hurt an innocent soul who doesn’t realize what you’re saying? Does it make you feel good inside knowing what you’re doing is wrong?  You see that man over there limping? He fought for our country. You see that man with a burned face that your laughing at? He rescued a mother and her baby from a burning building. Think before you say something because you don’t know the back round story.

I seen this video on YouTube that made me SICK! I also found the article. For no apparent reason a man punched a disabled person on a public bus and drug him off while threatening him! Like really?! Who does that?! These people I believe should be treated like the evil, inhumane people that they are!! Its sad to think that this goes on everyday and no one does anything about it. If I witnessed something like that I would stand up for the person in a heartbeat! In any case of bullying I would stand up, as should a lot of other people. I’ve done it before and it makes you feel better inside knowing you helped someone in need.

On another note, bullying doesn’t only happen to the mentally/physically disabled. Have you heard of Pheobe Prince? What about Amanda Todd? These are girls who were bullied to the point of death. i found a video that has kids reaction to Amanda's video she made just one month before she took her own life.n It’s a serious deal and some people just brush it off like its nothing! Words do hurt.
Everybody is different in their own way. So why make fun of their differences? You have them too. This is why I think everybody should be treated the same but the people who do cause pain should be treated like they treat others.


Do All Humans Deserve The Same Treatment?

Do All Humans Deserve The Same Treatment?
To a certain extant yes. Nobody should be treated like a king or queen because of where they came from, color of their skin, or how much money they have.

 People who are made fun of because of a disability are a great  example. Some people think they can make fun of them just because they aren't the same as you and me but it's not like they asked for it. Most of the disabled people were born that way. Others fought in a war to keep us safe only to be treated like crap for losing a leg or losing the ability to walk? It is disgusting for a person who has the heart to do make fun of this.

Another topic that is the exact opposite of equal treatment is slavery. About a 2 centuries ago Africans were still being stolen from Africa and forced to work for people in the U.S. This was not right, slave traders only saw these people as profit, not as individuals who have families and friends. Slave traders saw them as inferior because of their skin color. Sadly there is still slavery all around the world. In my research I found this website showing you your  "Slave Footprint". The site showed how there are 250,000 child slaves working for a brick company! Or how there are 200,000 children are forced to work in a carpet factory! These people are no different then you and me we all are equal and deserve the same treatment.

Do All Humans deserve the Same Treatment?


Do all humans deserve the same treatment? Heck no. That's like saying a grown man needs to be deserved like a newborn baby. Of course they both would want attention, but for the grown man to a certain extent, hopefully. It's like saying that the employees should be treated like CEO's or the VP's. That wouldn't be fair, these people that work for numerous years to be moved to a position like that as opposed to an employee that's been working there for 2 months.

Here is another example: It's like saying that a  that a dog should be treated like a cat. No, that would be all bad. First off, you don't take cats for walks. Next you shouldn't give baths, it would be bad news if you did. And last cats don't like to be inside the house all do like dogs do. And vice versa, you wouldn't want to not walk your dog, and you should give them baths, and if you let them outside the house that dosn't have a gate you won't ever see them again. Sorry to say. :(

Do All Humans Deserve the Same Treatment?

The question, do all humans deserve to be treated equally, has been tossed around for some time now. My opinion on the matter is that people should be treated equally, to a certain extent. In the article, Equal Rights: The Right to be Treated Equally, talks about human rights and its meaning. In our life today, this topic is everywhere from sexist, to racist people, everywhere there is some sort of unfair mistreatment of people.

Throughout the centuries, all around the world, men have been putting women down and treating them as if they were less, when in reality they are equal. Thankfully it is not as much as a problem in the U.S than in other countries. For example in countries in the middle east, many women have been mistreated because of being a women. The male for centuries has thought that he is the most important, I wish they new that we need to all be treated equally.

In other cases of human inequality their is the case of racism. Racism is one of the biggest things the U.S is dealing with. Evan after years, racism is still a big thing going on right now. From African Americans to Mexicans, all these people get mistreated terribly. On September 11,2001, the U.S suffered a terrible catastrophe caused by terrorists from the middle east. After that many people wearing turbans and head raps were instantly  thought of as terrorists. People from India were always being thought of as terrorists, some people were even killed because of that.

As you can see people who are not treated equally suffer. It is not fair. We need to put an end to sexism,racism, and any other human inequality, because truly the only thing that separates us from other people is our actions.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Animal Testing? Seriously

In "reasons we should protect our animals," by Glenn Gordon their are many reasons why animal testing is a no-no. From The Cruelty of Animal Testing, it explains why it shoulndt even exist. It also tells of alternatives to animal testing. Glenn Gordon is right about everything she explained in her article. Someone should stop the madness and start looking foor better ways to do science.

"Granted for rabbits whose eyes are intentionally damaged to serve as a model for 'dry eye' conditions in humans," says Rabbits who have been tested on were badly damaged just so humans can get wet eyes. Seriously. "beagles who were severely sickened and whose lungs were then purposely infected with a mold in order to test new human drugs on them." That's sick.

There are more humane alternatives which don't include hurting a living being. "Corrositex is far more efficient and far less cruel than using an animals skin to do the same thing." Now there you have it, a less cruel and more efficient way to do testings without animals.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Animal Cruelty

I do not like the fact that people use animals for testing. animals can get really hurt. They don't like choices we do. They are forced to be used in testing. Us as humans we can donate our bodies to testing before we die and animals suffer, they are just so innocent. In the article i read that "Beagles who were severely sickened and whose lungs were then purposefully new human drugs on them." I didn't like that because it was heart breaking to read. "Animals are simple, marvelous creatures that share the planet with us."

Animals do feel pain and they do suffer, just like humans do, and with such advanced alternatives at humans' disposal, there is no excuse for causing pain and harm to innocent creatures." We should do testing on bugs or fake animals and see how it effects them because I can care less for bugs.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Animal Testing

After reading an article about animal testing, I am not convinced that people should get rid of animal testing. I have a dog that I to death, but I value human life more than an animal's life. They aren't being cruel for no reason, they are trying to make our human life better. But, I do agree that instead of testing on animals, they try other alternatives. Such as, dead minks. They are only $10, and they do not require any food. Or, Corresitex, a type of artificial skin. It is more efficient, and does not hurt any animal's skin.  Also, computer modeling. Not every scientist thinks that testing on animals is okay. As technology advances, testing on animals should not be a big problem.

***The following is in response to the article "Why America Should Ban Animal Testing" by Glenn Gordon

Animal testing is cruel and outdated. It just doesn't make sense to use innocent animals in this stage of technology. Although we are still advancing we sometimes (rarely) NEED to test something on a body. That is where cadavers (human donors) come in. They actually CHOSE to be used in science.  

What in this article surprised you?
Nothing in this article surprised. I've seen and heard about all the horrors behind animal testing.

What evidence does the author use?
The author of the article is obviously well educated on the subject. He uses many examples to prove that animal testing is wrong. He lists humane alternatives like Corrositex and cadavers, he shows how it can be a costly experiment, and describes what animals may endure while being tested on.

What in this article do you find convincing?
I thought testing on animals was cruel and wrong before I even read the title. I’m an animal rights activist and I’m well read on the subject. The author still managed to add to my knowledge though, with his great examples and emotional appeal.

What in this article to you find questionable?
I do not question anything in the article. Everything is true.

We don't need animal testing! Alternatives include CeeTox, (MIMIC),  MRI, fMRI, EEG, PET, CT, etc. Those are just a few. Girls does a life really need to be taken away for your makeup? You don't look any prettier! If you still don't believe in how wrong animal testing is, please refer to this video.


The article we read today wasn't so bad. I'm not.sure the article's name because it had no obvious title. The article was on animal testing. The writer of the article(Glen Gordan) is on the side that animal testing is bad. I am not convinced what side I would be on. But don't get me wrong I love animals. I have a pet of my own and when it comes down to it I would want her to be affected with chemicals that are for me and others. But I'm not against animal testing either.

If zombies invaded the earth and you had a zombie dog and someone thought they found a cure for the epidemic wouldnt you be fine with you dog getting a shot in the butt? Also what if we found thought we found the cure to cancer. Would you be fine with testing the cure on an animal with cancer? I know for sure I would. And if the dog dies well than your saving it from its misery. There are many ways animal testing could be could for the human race.

This article make a really good point on how animal testing is bad. Glen Gordan write in one section how there are many alternatives. Like: Corrositex. It is artificial skin. So when your testing an animal to see there skin reactions on a new medicine you could use Corrositex instead.

Stop, Please?

In my opinion Animal Testing needs to STOP!!!! Its inhumane and cruel to these animals! They have feelings too you know.

Animals may not be able to speak their mind but they have feelings too. Animals show everyday examples of their emotions! When you leave to school/work in the morning, doesn’t your dog get sad? When you finally come home doesn’t your dog get happy? He/she starts to wag its tail, lick you and follow you everywhere! But yet these people do not see the signs hat animals give us. Not only dogs can show signs like this. Cats, hamsters, bunnies etc.

I think a lot of people are against animal testing, but they just don’t want to speak up as they should. Any regular person would be horrified to know what they do to animals and that there are many other alternatives! Unless you hate animals but still…spare them the pain. They did nothing to deserve all the pain and suffering that they go through.

I myself am a animal lover. I want to be a vet when I am older to help the animals that need me. I wouldn’t DARE hurt an animal of any kind! Especially not t test on them! All I would have to do is say “No so if you need to it be done count on someone else, I won’t do it.”  Enough said. I’m completely 100% against animal testing!

I just hope one day I can make a difference in this world and cause one less living thing pain.

black friday.

Black Friday. The most eventful day after Thanksgiving. Shooting, fights, and more fights.

Toys R' Us, Wal Mart, Target, The Mall, and Best Buy. There are many other stores have some amazing deals. Some deals aren't even so great. "You can et the same deal on Amazon," Mr.V says.

People go to some extreme measures. This year(2012) at Toys R' Us there was shooting. At Wal Mart there was a stampede. A lady 8 months pregnant miscarried her baby.

Is this really necessary. Even though some of these deals are really is it really worth fighting for? Is it worth killing a Wal Mart employee. I really don't think so.  Is it really worth buying a gin and taking it to Toys R' Us? NO.  How would you like a  gun pointed straight to your face. You wouldn't. Lots of time we don't take things into consideration. And how others feel. What if i was buying that gift for a orphan. Your niece or nephew. Would you really like it taken straight from your hands? You wouldn't huh. Why do it then. This goes out to all those crazy shoppers!