Friday, December 14, 2012

Abortion? Adoption?

Abortion is horrible! I honestly do not like it. It is so sad to see babies die so young.

I wish abortion never existed. When i am older i am going to do something about it to stop it in some places. If parents don't want their babies why don't they put them up for adoption? Sometimes kids don't get adopted which is sad. Why is adoption even legal? I don't know why people even get pregnant if they don't even want their babies? makes no sense!

They should not let people get abortions at 20 weeks, the babies are so big and have way through the pregnancy!? Some adoption kids don't ever get adopted, its so sad. There should be another way of doing this, abortion is wrong and i am totally against it. Some people don't even care about what's going on with people and their babies! While i was ready this article i was reading that sometimes abortions can be from a miscarriage.

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