Don’t get me wrong P.E can actually be fun. I read an article stating whether or not we should have P.E. Many think that without
P.E in schools there would be a lot more obese kids. That could be true to a
certain extent. If a child doesn’t eat right and does not exercise the yes the
child may end up being obese. But with P.E at school they have at least a little
bit of a work out. I personally enjoy P.E but there are times when I’m just
like “Grrrr I don’t want to go to P.E!!” It will come in handy later though.
P.E is a great experience. I think having group activities
is way better then having each individual do the same thing but at different
times. Its more fun in a group and it gets kids more active and into the game. Of
course there’s always going to be those couple of kids who never participate. (I
have some of those in my P.E class.. shhhh) that would be the teachers job to
take care of it.
There’s one thing that I would like to suggest. Could we have
dodge ball back? I always loved that game! Yes there would be some sort of
debate whether or not we could have dodge ball. Some think it’s a great and fun
way to exercise, but some think its to dangerous and its mean. Every kid I have
asked so far have said they love dodge ball!! I think this gave me an idea! Hah
but anyways back on topic. P.E is fun if you actually participate. It feels
good when people cheer you on when your running the bases in soft ball. Or they
all give you high-fives when you hit home base. Are you like I used to be? Don’t
like running in front of anybody, don’t like doing anything in front of a group
of people because you’re scared of what they might say? Don’t worry. Over time
you’ll get over your fear. I did because when I actually tried in front of a
group I got cheered for and compliments and I felt awesome! So try your
hardest, and if you don’t succeed the first time its okay. Keep trying and you
WILL get better. Promise. :)
Nice Design :) I totally agree with you about P.E. I don't like running laps either