Friday, December 14, 2012
Abortion? Adoption?
I wish abortion never existed. When i am older i am going to do something about it to stop it in some places. If parents don't want their babies why don't they put them up for adoption? Sometimes kids don't get adopted which is sad. Why is adoption even legal? I don't know why people even get pregnant if they don't even want their babies? makes no sense!
They should not let people get abortions at 20 weeks, the babies are so big and have way through the pregnancy!? Some adoption kids don't ever get adopted, its so sad. There should be another way of doing this, abortion is wrong and i am totally against it. Some people don't even care about what's going on with people and their babies! While i was ready this article i was reading that sometimes abortions can be from a miscarriage.
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Thursday, December 13, 2012
We Are All Equal
All Humans Deserve The Same Treatment.
In my opinion, most humans deserve the same treatment. Some are mean and some are kind. The kind ones deserve to be treated the same. They’re nice to one another and don’t hurt the others around them. The mean people are the ones people have to worry about.
Do All Humans Deserve The Same Treatment?
Do All Humans deserve the Same Treatment?
Do all humans deserve the same treatment? Heck no. That's like saying a grown man needs to be deserved like a newborn baby. Of course they both would want attention, but for the grown man to a certain extent, hopefully. It's like saying that the employees should be treated like CEO's or the VP's. That wouldn't be fair, these people that work for numerous years to be moved to a position like that as opposed to an employee that's been working there for 2 months.
Here is another example: It's like saying that a that a dog should be treated like a cat. No, that would be all bad. First off, you don't take cats for walks. Next you shouldn't give baths, it would be bad news if you did. And last cats don't like to be inside the house all do like dogs do. And vice versa, you wouldn't want to not walk your dog, and you should give them baths, and if you let them outside the house that dosn't have a gate you won't ever see them again. Sorry to say. :(
Do All Humans Deserve the Same Treatment?
Throughout the centuries, all around the world, men have been putting women down and treating them as if they were less, when in reality they are equal. Thankfully it is not as much as a problem in the U.S than in other countries. For example in countries in the middle east, many women have been mistreated because of being a women. The male for centuries has thought that he is the most important, I wish they new that we need to all be treated equally.
In other cases of human inequality their is the case of racism. Racism is one of the biggest things the U.S is dealing with. Evan after years, racism is still a big thing going on right now. From African Americans to Mexicans, all these people get mistreated terribly. On September 11,2001, the U.S suffered a terrible catastrophe caused by terrorists from the middle east. After that many people wearing turbans and head raps were instantly thought of as terrorists. People from India were always being thought of as terrorists, some people were even killed because of that.
As you can see people who are not treated equally suffer. It is not fair. We need to put an end to sexism,racism, and any other human inequality, because truly the only thing that separates us from other people is our actions.
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Thursday, December 6, 2012
Animal Testing? Seriously
In "reasons we should protect our animals," by Glenn Gordon their are many reasons why animal testing is a no-no. From The Cruelty of Animal Testing, it explains why it shoulndt even exist. It also tells of alternatives to animal testing. Glenn Gordon is right about everything she explained in her article. Someone should stop the madness and start looking foor better ways to do science.
"Granted for rabbits whose eyes are intentionally damaged to serve as a model for 'dry eye' conditions in humans," says Rabbits who have been tested on were badly damaged just so humans can get wet eyes. Seriously. "beagles who were severely sickened and whose lungs were then purposely infected with a mold in order to test new human drugs on them." That's sick.
There are more humane alternatives which don't include hurting a living being. "Corrositex is far more efficient and far less cruel than using an animals skin to do the same thing." Now there you have it, a less cruel and more efficient way to do testings without animals.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Animal Cruelty

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Animal Testing
The article we read today wasn't so bad. I'm not.sure the article's name because it had no obvious title. The article was on animal testing. The writer of the article(Glen Gordan) is on the side that animal testing is bad. I am not convinced what side I would be on. But don't get me wrong I love animals. I have a pet of my own and when it comes down to it I would want her to be affected with chemicals that are for me and others. But I'm not against animal testing either.
If zombies invaded the earth and you had a zombie dog and someone thought they found a cure for the epidemic wouldnt you be fine with you dog getting a shot in the butt? Also what if we found thought we found the cure to cancer. Would you be fine with testing the cure on an animal with cancer? I know for sure I would. And if the dog dies well than your saving it from its misery. There are many ways animal testing could be could for the human race.
This article make a really good point on how animal testing is bad. Glen Gordan write in one section how there are many alternatives. Like: Corrositex. It is artificial skin. So when your testing an animal to see there skin reactions on a new medicine you could use Corrositex instead.
Stop, Please?

black friday.
Toys R' Us, Wal Mart, Target, The Mall, and Best Buy. There are many other stores have some amazing deals. Some deals aren't even so great. "You can et the same deal on Amazon," Mr.V says.
People go to some extreme measures. This year(2012) at Toys R' Us there was shooting. At Wal Mart there was a stampede. A lady 8 months pregnant miscarried her baby.
Is this really necessary. Even though some of these deals are really is it really worth fighting for? Is it worth killing a Wal Mart employee. I really don't think so. Is it really worth buying a gin and taking it to Toys R' Us? NO. How would you like a gun pointed straight to your face. You wouldn't. Lots of time we don't take things into consideration. And how others feel. What if i was buying that gift for a orphan. Your niece or nephew. Would you really like it taken straight from your hands? You wouldn't huh. Why do it then. This goes out to all those crazy shoppers!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thanksgiving Then Black Friday.
Black Friday 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
When you don't have that special friend that will just make you fall on the ground laughing, you obviously don't know what living is. I think that when you have a best friend everyone knows that your friend is like your other half. When they are not with you you probably act differently, and not as upbeat and happy. Friendship is the best thing ever created. Friends can help you come out of your comfort zone and help you try new things that you never imagined trying by yourself.
Something I think people should know the difference of is acquaintances and actual friends. Many people consider their acquaintances as friends. NO!! These people you might see around have a chat with, but they are not you true friends. I was ounce too in the state of mind were i thought that some people were my friends but in reality they were just friendly acquaintances. It might be a little hard to find out who your true friends are at first, but when you do, you will find yourself happier than ever. So when the question is asked: Your friends are always your friends no matter what, the answer for me is yes!

Thanksgiving, a day to be thankful for what you have goes all the way back to 1621, when the first English settlers landed in the Americas. In 1621, the so called pilgrims shared an autumn feast with the Wampanoag native Americans. This day would impact the world forever. Now, 391 years later we are still celebrating this day, says
Today many people forget the true meaning of thanksgiving. People are ungrateful and rude to each other. All they think about is heading out to the mall and buying all the new cheap gadgets that makeup our terrible society. And when 12 midnight strikes the herd of rude, and angry barbarians rush in pushing and shoving. Is this what people think the true meaning of thanksgiving is? I do admit that sometimes it is hard to not be rude, but we should all try to be kinder. If you do go to the mall on after thanksgiving, let the other girl take the last scarf, let the guy take the last pair of jeans. Be nice to other people, and not just on thanksgiving but everyday. To me the true meaning of thanksgiving is being thankful for everything, and everyone you love. Counting your blessings. When you see someone that has something you want, count your blessings. Afterwards you will see that you have enough and you will be very thankful.
Black Friday Horrors
For some people though, it was a REAL hell. Back in 2008 a mob of people broke down the doors of a Walmart located in Long Island. Walmart employees formed a chain by linking arms in an attempt to stop the crazy mob. An utter failure. The employees were no match against the mob. One employee fell over and was trampled. Even though his friends tried to help him he died after being repeatedly kicked and stepped on.
The same night as the Walmart incident an 8-month pregnant women stood in line to buy items for her baby. She miscarried and died at the scene.
Is this what Black Friday is? A time where you put your life at risk for a half-price Xbox? A time where we go crazy in line at Best Buy mere hours after being thankful for what you already have(Thanksgiving)?
Stories gathered at this website.
My View On Animal Testing
Animals are individuals who experience pain just like you. An animal that is tested on in a lab goes through hell everyday of it's short life. Even animals that you share your house with like dogs and cats. Those animals are sometimes purchased from an animal shelters or stolen from backyards!
It breaks my heart every time I hear about the tests that these animals are used in. I heard of lab workers BURN live conscious dogs. Could you imagine the pain of being burning alive and still be able to feel it?!
There are also tests were dogs, apes, pigeons, rats, and bunnies are given a gas mask and are forced to breathe in cigarette smoke 6 hours a day until they are killed and dissected. These tests are pointless due to the fact that we already know what tobacco can do to your body.
Animals are not needed for testing. We already have super advanced technology, and previous research. If you still don't realize the importance of animal testing please watch this video, and maybe you will have a change of heart.
Black Friday!

Black Friday is also known for its aggressive crowds outside of the store. Those people who push and shove just to get in. Some families also have there kids with them, even tho its dangerous.
While i was reading an article on the violence on Black Friday I came across a very crazy one, a witness said, a woman with two children in tow became upset with the way people were pushing in line. The witness said she pulled out pepper spray and sprayed the other people in line. Another one was,
nine shoppers in a California mall were injured, including an elderly woman who had to be taken to the hospital, when the crowd rushed to grab gift certificates that had been released from the ceiling. I never knew shopping for Christmas gifts can be so dangerous!
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Should You?

<--Photo 1: Sleeping With Sirens!
Photo 2: Suicide Silence playing live! ^^^
Should you stand up for your beliefs? Yes! Alot of people just sit and go along with the crowd. They're scared of getting made fun of. They're scared of the fact that they might be different. I know the's not the best.
I believe that a person shouldn't have to feel intimidated everyday. The shouldn't feel like they have to hide because of what other people might think of them. Everybody is in titled they're own opinion. Everyone has to a right to believe in what they want to believe in. Just because you believe in a certain religion, like a certain style, listen to a certain music doesn't give people the right to say something to you. if you're a person who feels like you cant say what you believe or like because you're scared of what people might say,listen to me.....who cares what other people say! it's your opinion, you have yours and they have theirs.
Some say I shouldn’t be the one to talk because I didn’t take my own advice…but I eventually got up the courage to speak my mind! It worked great! Sure I have my haters but doesn’t everybody? It just means that you’re doing SOMETHING right. Haha. Now if you hear me in class I talk freely and carelessly about the things I was scared to say before. All it was was music! I like to listen to Screamo and Heavy Metal! It took me along time to realize that I cant please everyone and people won’t accept me for me. Oh well their loss because I have friends who love me for me and they don’t even like the music I listen to and the style I like. Only one does but that’s okay, as long as they don’t judge me.
Never feel pressured to believe or do a certain thing. You’re your own person no matter what. Others might disagree with you but don’t listen to them. You are unique! It’s okay to be different and to stand up for what you believe it. It means you’re real and you’re not trying to act fake! Its always better that way(:
Two of the bands i was judged for listening to are at the top.
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Plastic Surgery Anyone
"The homely housewife transformed in a magical hour into a drop-dead beauty queen and pitted, in a Miss America-type pageant, against a whole bevy of other made-over beauties — it's an unhealthy, trivializing twist on a very serious subject, warn plastic surgeons," states Tamar Nordenburg. She's stating that housewives or anybody can transform themselves into "drop-dead beauty queens." That shouldn't be allowed. You shouldn't rely on a doctor or a specialist to transform you into the someone that you always wanted to be.Tamar was also saying that you people who do that stuff to think about what that stuff actually is. It is unhealthy, trivializing twist on a very serious subject plastic surgery.
You guys should be happy the way you look. You were created this way for a reason and you are unique in your own unique way. :)
Plastic Surgery Right or Wrong?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
PRNewswire Report on Black Friday
"Early shopping and aggressive selling by merchants at unprecedented levels has shifted specialty store sales to earlier in the season, found in-store analytics leader RetailNext, causing overall reduction in traffic and sales on what is traditionally thought of as the Black Friday weekend. This revelation comes as part of RetailNext's analysis of shopping behavior for this very important period in North American retailing. The RetailNext analysis encompassed more than 650 stores and measured more than 2.6 million shopping trips to specialty retailers.This season, more retailers eager to capitalize on the holiday shopping season opened their doors for the Black Friday rush earlier than ever. 26% of specialty stores were open at midnight and a full 60% by 6:00 a.m. on Black Friday. By 1:00 p.m. on Black Friday, shoppers had completed 50% of the day's shopping trips and 60% of its purchasing," says PRNewswire Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 - 8:05 am.
I think that is rediculous having more people working at really late hours of the night. I mean come on people do you seriosly need like 5 more hours of shopping for things that are discounted. I think that is not smart because by the time you regularily go shopping on Black Friday there will be about nothing left. It is kind of convienant though because you can get rid of the thousands of people who are camping out on the side of your building.
So I guess it kind of works out on both sides. :)
Friday, November 16, 2012
Roses and love.
Lips, show a passion. Being kissed shows that you leave your mark of love.
Roses! A white rose symbolizes purity. A single RED rose symbolizes "I love you." A coral rose symbolizes a desire( a desire to be with that person).
Chocolates, symbolizes romantic connotations...(feelings)
Last but not least Hearts. They symbolize a set of our emotions or another way to say love.
To me the best symbol of love is Roses. Mostly because each different color of roses has a meaning. Like the white roses symbolizes purity. A commitment. I would love getting a white rose. Just to know I can trust someone who will always be there for me.
"When you choose a color, variety or number of roses for someone, you are personalizing your gift with deeper sentiment."
What Am I Thankful For?
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Thursday, November 15, 2012
What Am I Thankful For?
Hmmm What Am I Thankful For?
Man I got less than a day to Thanksgiving Break! Finally a break from projects, tests, and homework! But I'll also be able to reflect on the things I'm happy and lucky to have.
Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks... and eat TURKEY! There is so much great food you eat on Thanksgiving, like Mash Potatoes. Yummy... But what if you run out of good, tasty Recipes. Here are some idea;
1. Stuffed Turkey
2. Biscuits
3. Pumpkin Pie
4. Apple Pie
5. Cherry Pie
6. Key Lime Pie
7. Cheesecake
8. Ham
9. Sweet Potatoe
10. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
For more good recipes visit this site.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Shop 'Til You Drop!
After a night or afternoon of peace and tranquility, many people in the U.S go to stores in search of amazing sales. These awesome sales come with a price. The price to pay for awesome sales is being pushed and shoved. Rude, cranky people roaming the mall are what really ruin a night of fun shopping until you literally drop. I am not trying to agree with a stereotype, but in this case the stereotype is true. The rude people at the mall are usually the ones that are more advanced in years.
Black Friday is a very crazy day. The rule of black Friday is pretty much, first come, first serve. I know this from my own experience. In 2010, my sister and I drove to Best Buy at around 10:30 p.m. Little did we know that people were gonna line up days before. The reason we were there in the first place was because my sister wanted a new laptop. We soon learned that we were most likely getting nothing, so we left and wasted our time. It was crazy seeing all the tents and the freezing people waiting to get their hands on the devises. Every year is different, but I am almost certain that again, this year there will be plenty of freezing campers and rude people at the mall. After my families thanksgiving dinner, I too will join this American tradition. May you all shop until you drop.
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The Day After Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thanksgiving the Day Before Mayhem

Thanksgiving is a day of thanks, joy, and food. It's a day for loved ones to get together and to celebrate. But tell me something, why do people change over night just like that just for a good price on a T.V or something. Studies show that this one certain day people choose to go crazy. From name calling to shoving and even to killing.
It is being projected that this year a record-setting 152 million Americans will go shopping between Thanksgiving and Sunday night. That may be good news for the big corporate retailers, but the shocking lack of character being displayed by American consumers all over the country this weekend is very bad news for the future of this nation.
On this very day people just go crazy. I mean it.
Last year, Black Friday violence included robberies, gunfire and shootings, but the most shocking incidents actually happened inside the big retail stores.
For example, as merchandise was being unveiled on Black Friday night at a Wal-Mart in the Los Angeles area, one woman actualy pulled out pepper spray and sprayed it at other customers that were gathered around her.
Did she do this because she felt threatened?
No, according to the Los Angeles Times, authorities say that the woman was just seeking a "competitive" edge.
I just think that people should just calm down and let all of their Thanksgiving digest and pay retail price. I mean wouldn't you rather pay more that getting pepper sprayed in the eyes. I mean seriosly.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
How to Make P.E Fun
Dodgeball Yes or No?
It should not be allowed! There are many other different kinds of sports to play during P.E like volleyball or soccer. Something a little safer instead of getting hit with a hardball. If dodge ball during P.E was with soft squishy balls then maybe I would like it because it would hurt as bad. According to this article that I read the rules sounded safe but once you start playing its war.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Do We Need P.E?

P.E. Should We Have It?
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Dodgeball Anybody

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