Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Ideal Symbol of Love: Dove
Symbol of Love
What Is Love?
I have so many things to talk about involving love, such as a kid and candy or a dog and his bone.
kids love candy , we just do! And as for dogs, they love their dog bones!
Love is like an old man, as you get older your hair falls off and once it falls off you become bald(what a shock), so what i mean about that is that love sometimes never lasts it really depends on the kind of love I'm talking about. I'm talking about relationships. Most relationships do not last "forever" like they expected. Kids my age say "oh I love him/her" or "were going to be with each other forever". It's like no, just be quiet, that is not love.
I am not saying that I know what love is, all I am saying is that love is not true until you can see and feel it. Love is just a four lettered word to me. It means nothing until you can see it in your loved ones eyes. Love is not always kind and sweet, it can hurt sometimes. And you can get so broken hearted.
On the other hand people see love as like a fake rose, they sometimes say that love will end once the fake rose dies. Some people actually feel love, it is mostly the elderly. They are the ones who lats forever. They know what love is, they deal with their problems the right way. People who have love for each other have lots of problems but they get thought it together.
Have you thought about love and what you think love really is? According to the dictionary love isa profoundly tender,passonite affection for another person.

There are alot of things that symbolizes love. There are chocolates, roses, even cupids. But all those things aren't real love. Chocolates get eaten, roses welt and die, and cupids are brainwashers, they make people fall in love, it's not the real thing. I personally think that the heart symbolizes love.
I think that the heart symoblizes love because some say "as long as my heart beats there will always be love in there heart."Even if that person is the meansest nastiest person on earth, their will always be a little love in there heart. (Plus here's a good way to think of it: If you didn't have a heart then you wouldn't be alive, and if you weren't alive then you wouldn't be able to love anyone.)The heart also controls many things in that correspond with love. When you see something that you really like, your heart beats fast, plus other reactions that can cause your heart to do things.
The rose is a bad symbol for love. At first its all pretty with it's lovely scent but as time goes on, it starts to wilt. The roses beautiful smell turns into a nasty rotting smell. It also makes the water all mucky and stuff, so you have to keep changing the water until their is no hope for it and you have to throw it away. Plus their are thorns on it. That causes two things, 1, you can get stabbed by a thorn and 2 I think that a thorn symbolizes that it dosn't want anything to with nothing and that it feels like it has to protect itself by itself.
Cupid is also a bad symbol of love. That's because it's a little midget or something that goes around shooting arrows to make people fall in love with the first person they see.(I don't think that I am the only one that thinks this.) He brainwashes people. I don't think that that is a fun way to fall in love.
Now on to chocolates. Chocolates are bad symbols of love because they get eaten. And if people get too much chocolate and eat them then they gat fat. And I don't think that eating something that makes someone fat is a good symbol, do you.
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There are alot of things that symbolizes love. There are chocolates, roses, even cupids. But all those things aren't real love. Chocolates get eaten, roses welt and die, and cupids are brainwashers, they make people fall in love, it's not the real thing. I personally think that the heart symbolizes love.
I think that the heart symoblizes love because some say "as long as my heart beats there will always be love in there heart."Even if that person is the meansest nastiest person on earth, their will always be a little love in there heart. (Plus here's a good way to think of it: If you didn't have a heart then you wouldn't be alive, and if you weren't alive then you wouldn't be able to love anyone.)The heart also controls many things in that correspond with love. When you see something that you really like, your heart beats fast, plus other reactions that can cause your heart to do things.
The rose is a bad symbol for love. At first its all pretty with it's lovely scent but as time goes on, it starts to wilt. The roses beautiful smell turns into a nasty rotting smell. It also makes the water all mucky and stuff, so you have to keep changing the water until their is no hope for it and you have to throw it away. Plus their are thorns on it. That causes two things, 1, you can get stabbed by a thorn and 2 I think that a thorn symbolizes that it dosn't want anything to with nothing and that it feels like it has to protect itself by itself.
Cupid is also a bad symbol of love. That's because it's a little midget or something that goes around shooting arrows to make people fall in love with the first person they see.(I don't think that I am the only one that thinks this.) He brainwashes people. I don't think that that is a fun way to fall in love.
Now on to chocolates. Chocolates are bad symbols of love because they get eaten. And if people get too much chocolate and eat them then they gat fat. And I don't think that eating something that makes someone fat is a good symbol, do you.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Love Symbol?

In Roman and Greek mythology rose are grown from the god Adonis because of his love for Aphrodite.
Roses symbolize love, passion, desire, sensuality, purity, romance, and physical perfection. The color of a rose can also effect the meaning of the rose.
Roses have also naturally become a love symbol. When someone says "I love you" most likely an image of a rose will pop up in your brain.
A rose is a wonderful way to show love not just because of the reasons stated above but the fact that someone took the time to give you a rose.
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Sunday, October 21, 2012
Number the Stars Too?
Should This Book Be Banned?

Banning Books
Most books on the list were books that kids ready daily, like "Harry Potter". I dont knowhy that book is banned. If so many parents want to banned books from school libraries then they shouldnt let their own kids read it, because kids love books with magic and fun stuff. I personally think thet we shouldnt be able to banned books because people have worked so hard to make a book and then sometimes people banned them from libraries. Leave the poor books alone!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Gay Penguins
And some people have taken notice and that. That's why people can challenge and ban a book. To ban a book means that it won't be in schools and libraries. But there are stupid people in the world with even dumber ideas. Some books are banned for really dumb reasons. And Tango Makes Three is a great example.
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-THE BOOK: And Tango Makes Three
-ABOUT THE BOOK: And Tango Makes Three is about two male penguins named Roy and Silo. They wanted to have a family and tried very hard to hatch a rock. After witnessing this heart-breaking scene, zoo keepers gave Roy and Silo an abandoned egg. They immediately adopted and hatched the egg.
-WHY IT'S BANNED: "homosexual story line that has been sugarcoated with cute penguins,"A Lodi.
After reading that you have probably developed an opinion of your own. In my own opinion this book is okay for children too read. Younger children won't understand what's going on and elementary kids will have already heard about homosexuality from other children. And if you don't agree with my views nobody said you HAVE to read it. People and penguins should be free to live their life the way they want without being questioned by peers.
Gay Penguins
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According to these guys the book 'And Tango Makes Three' is on the ban list. This book is about two male penguins who are given the privilege of hatching an egg together.
This is a true story and if you follow the news they had even separated them and tried to get them to mate with a female penguin. After this didn't work they just accepted the facts and let the gay penguins be together.
The book follows six years of their life and on this website someone says "homosexual story line that has been sugarcoated with cute penguins" . This is stupid. Nobody is sugar-coating anything. This is just something that a lot of people don't hear of, so someone went and wrote a children's book about. And there's nothing wrong with homosexuality. Children are eventually gonna experience it so why not show it to them in the form of penguins.
This book has been on and off the ban list for a while. I personally believe it shouldn't be on the ban list. If it's what these penguins want it's what they want.
Hunger Games

On it states that the Hunger Games is banned or should be banned. "Each year, schools and libraries field hundreds of requests to remove controversial reads from their shelves. Hence, the creation of Banned Books Week, which celebrates everyone's freedom to read" says This novel won many awards, including the California Young Reader Medal, and was named one ofPublishers Weekly's "Best Books of the Year". This article is about the novel. For other uses, see The Hunger Games.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
How to Do the Chubby Bunny Challenge!
First you will need a big bag of marshmellows, it doesnt matter what kind of brand they are they just have to be the normal sized marshmellows. You will also need a trashcan. This may sound funny but it is really fun to do with a friend! or even by yourself (doesn't really matter).
What you need to do is grab one marshmellow and stick it in your mouth,you can not chew it. Once you have done that you are going to say "chubby bunny".You will keep doing that and saying "chubby bunny"after every marshmellow you put into your mouth until you cant't fit anymore! Now the trashcan is for when you need to spit them out (yuckkk!).
And there you have the Chubby Bunny Challenge! (:
enjoy! oh and if you want to try some more challenges this out this website!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Oh Yes! My Favorite! the Cheese Roll/ Dip!
Here's what you will need.
4. 1 small can of chopped olives
1.Once you have those ingredients you will need to lay out a sheet of waxed paper.
2. Roll the Velveeta Cheese onto the waxed paper until it's flat.
3.Put cream cheese on top of the cheese very smoothly.
4. Use your hands and sprinkle the of the diced green chilies onto the cream cheese.
5.Then do the same with the olives.
6.Here comes the tricky part! Grab the end of the wax paper and roll it about a centimeter,then slowly take out the wax paper and pull it up,be sure to do this carefully and slowly,let the cheese roll ,roll up.And there you have you delicious cheese roll!
Here's a link to other cheese rolls or dips that you can make!
Friday, October 12, 2012
I think we've all have that special someone in out life...STOP IT! Stop thinking about that cutie that sits next to you in English! Gosh I meant like a companion animal such as a dog or cat! You sickos...anyways Green Mountain College have two loyal oxen named Bill and Lou. Well the college has turned on them and pretty soon will be sending them to the slaughterhouse and serve them in the cafeteria!
They're pretty sweet and hard workers and if you don't believe me watch this (scroll all the way to the bottom). They've been working hard for 10 long years the college and the students love them! The reason they are going to murder these sweet babies is because Lou injured himself and is unable to work. He has been retired and Bill won't work without him so they are going to kill both of them. It is not their time. Vine Sanctuary has offered to take them in and let them live out there retirement years in style. If you would like to ensure that Bill and Lou live a happy life please visit this sight or this sight.
Thank you for your time.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Role models.
You can have an arguement about who are good T.V role models and who are bad role models. There is this one site Mr.V recommended that I'd disagree with SO much.
Because, the show SpongeBob Squarepants, is NOT a bad show. Yea Squidward is stuck up and he only does things to satisfy him, but a lot of people in this world are like that.
Also the show Shake It Up, its is not about two girls looking for fame. It's about two girls following there dreams. It teaches young girls to follow there dreams.
In some ways I do agree with the site. They state that Kim Kardashian is a bad role model. She is! She has a sensitive side, but most of the times she's just a big bully. She tells her bullies her brother most of all. I don't think parents want there kids learning bad word and how to treat people wrong. Hah. Also the Jersey Shore cast. Even though Snookis a mom, doesn't mean she has calmed down. Also the rest of the cast, the promote drinking and smoking... Horrible!
Wost Role Models
Alexandria DeBerry: Ant Farm: She is perpetuates the stereotype of a dumb blonde
Stefanie Scott: Ant Farm: Her character is a model of what is generally thought of as the mean, manipulative, heartless cheer captain.
Elizabeth Gillies: Victorious: She plays a mean, goth bully that is mean to all her boyfriend's friends.
Shane Harper: Good Luck Charlie: His character makes it seem like deceiving and betraying a girlfriend/boyfriend is acceptable and will not hurt anyone.
Jerry Trainor: iCarly: He is an irresponsible guardian who does not see the importance and seriousness having to take care of his sister.
Jennette McCurdy: iCarly: She is a bully that has no respect for her elders or any type of authority figure.
My list can go on, but my list is comprised of my own opinions. If you do not agree with me, then you can also go to:
On the list that I linked, i disagree in the part that says that Squidward is a bad role model. I disagree because Squidward is just annoyed by Spongebob. I am pretty sure that we all agree that if there was a Spongebob in our lives we would all be cranky. Someone that should be on this list but is not is another person from Shake it UP. His name is Adam Irogoyen. His character portrays to be a guy who sells thing thta he gets from "a guy". What is that suppose to mean. Does he get his stuff illegally? We are now living in the 21 century, this stuff apparently seems normal to the government since thy don't take these shows off TV. It is sad to say that these are the role models of the kids in the 21 century. If the TV shows don't change we will have a messed up future a head of us.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Not So Good TV Role Models
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TV's Worst Role Models!
1.People on the "Jersey Shore" (Snooki,JWow,Ronnie,Vinny,Sam,Situation,Pauly D)
2.Honey Boo Boo
3.Girls On Teen Mom
4.Lady Gaga
5.Kim Kardashian
These role models, are horrible people who get paid for doing the wrong things. The reason I put Jersey Shore first is because they do horrible things and they get paid for it(not good). Honestly they just want attention and they do it the wrong way.Honey Boo Boo is next because she is such a brat! She is so spoiled,and she acts like a thirty year old,shes 6? Six year old little girls are supposed to be drinking juice and playing with barbies,not drinking RedBull and acting like an adult!Next are the girls from teen mom, their life's are so messed up! Stuff like this should not be on TV! And Lady Gaga? Goodness where do I start? She is so weird! The way she dresses is outrageous!People look up to her! Why? I honestly don't know.And now is Kim Kardashian,She shows her body for money. Not the right way to live life. She should be earning her money buy working.
After reading this article about Honey Boo Boo, I thought to myself, what is going on in this world!People are doing such bad things for attention and money.It is horrible!
10 Worst TV Role Models of 2012....Really?
Worst TV Role Models.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Is this a Typo!!!

Click this to see that their has been a major typo or error in an article called 10 Worst TV Role Models of 2012. It states that Squidward is one of those ten bad role models. "Squidward (voiced by Rodger Bumpass) -- the mean and nasty cashier at the Krusty Krab -- is nice only when he wants something, and his greed always gets in the way of a straight and narrow path. You’d think that his twin passions for music and art would redeem him, but he pursues them with such a totally pretentious and snobbish attitude that he alienates everyone around him," says common sense media . I guess I can kind of agree with that but here me out.
An avid patron of the arts, Squidward has a strong affection for interpretive dance, sculpture, painting, and playing the clarinet, but shows no significant talent for any of them. He has often tried to impress the public with his artistic exhibitions, but is always either unrecognized, mocked by his audience, or upstaged by SpongeBob. Squidward always wants to be the center of attention but rarely ever is.
He has tried several things to reach the fame he desires: hosting a talent show, starting his own astrology spin-off, forming a band, and so on, yet he can't seem to get much of a cult following Mr. Krabs and Patrick also seem to like him, though it may be argued that Mr. Krabs only likes Squidward because of his allegiance with the Krusty Krab. Squidward considers himself the greatest and most unrecognized clarinet player of all time, though most undersea life that hear him play will argue that he is horrible. His clarinet playing often gets him into trouble.
I think that Squidward Tentacles tried at one point to be nice and reach his dreams but they got squashed and his trust in people(or fish) went down the toilet. And I don't think that he's a bad romodel because he is trying to just get through another day of being a failure.
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
How to Sneak in to Class After the Bell has Rung
Step#1: take a chill pill and confidently walk up to your next class.
Step#2: once you see the door of your class take a deep breath.
Step#3: ever so quietly, turn the knob
Step#4: (ninja skills are needed) hold your breath and rapidly walk to your seat, ignore the people starring at you like if you just murdered someone.
Step#5: you are home free. Just act like you know what you are doing and keep calm.
If this does not work you probably did something wrong. If needed, practice the steps with a good friend. If this really, truly does not work, when all else fails just receive your consequence and next time run to class hope this helps, and good look.
My bestfriend.
Leah, Leah, Leah. She is one of my closest friends. I understand her like she understands me. She is most beautiful. She has an AMAZING smile. Her smile can brighten up any ones day! She is so joyfull. She is just so loveable. I know she can get me super, super mad in so many ways but, she always makes it up by making me smile. There is lots of things I know about her, but you may not know. Such things as:
1. Leah's mom died just when Leah was 7
2. She is an only child
3. Her dad re-married
4. Her step mom is kind of HORIBBLE
5. Leah is obsessed with ONE DIRECTION (Just like me)
6. Her favorite One Direction memeber(s) are, Harry, Liam, and Niall
7. Her birthday is August 28th.
There are a lot more facts that I can this up at the top of my head.
Me and Leah met at my church.(Crosslight Family Ministries) Her cousin had brought her one night to one of our night services. We didn't really hit it off at first. Later on she starting comeing more and more and we started talking. Until one day we were just like bestfriends.
I could never see us fighting. We know about everything about eachother. We tell eachother everything. From our deepest darkest secrets to how our day was.
This picture is of me and her on a pretty HOT sunny day. We were at a church in Colton. It was a fun day, but some creepy stuff happened.
Well that's Leah for you.
How to Start a Gigantic Water Fight
Your wondering what to do on the most hottest, most boringest day of your life. You try to watch tv, nothing. You consider trying to music, nada. Or maybe read a book, zilch. Have you ever tried starting the most biggest water fight of your life? You probobaly havn't. Here's how to start.
Go outside and find anything that can hold water and is easy to dump on people. Bring out all your water guns, if you have any, and fill those up too. If possible toss in some water balloons. You should also keep the hose near you, just in case. Here's the first step into beginning this water fight.
Once you've got everything you need to start a water fight, start easing people out of the house. ( These things are also good for family get togethers like family reunions) When you get someone out of the house dunk them with all your might. Dunk them to get them riled up so that they would have to, not want, but have to get you back. They would probably use one of your water fight objects to get you but that's what the water hose is for. After they have gotten all their madness out, become an alley with him or her and build up plans to get other people. Build up plans like how to get people out of the house, and how to hide your ammo. But also think about who you want to be alleys with. Think of plans like this and I promise you, you willl be the water fight champ.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Dress Code For Teachers?
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Queen-Why You Can Brag
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Brian May, Freddie Mercury, Diego Maradona, Roger Taylor, John Deacon. |
Queen started 1971 in London.They have multiple albums that are:-News of the World(1977) -Jazz(1978) —Bob Geldof, on Queen's performance at Live Aid.-Queen(1973) -Queen II(1974)-Sheer Heart Attack(1974)-A Night at the Opera(1975)-A Day at the Races(1976)-The Game(1980) -Flash Gordon(1980) -Hot Space(1982) -The Works(1984) -A Kind of Magic(1986)-The Miracle(1989) -Innuendo(1991) -Made in Heaven(1995)
Can you believe at one point nobody wanted these guys? Well actually I do, most good artists have a rough beginning. Anyways Queen is so good they have 18 number one albums, 18 number one singles, and 10 number one DVDs. They have also influenced multiple other musicians like Nirvanna, Guns N' Roses, Radiohead, Katy Perry, and many more. Talk about talent!
And who possesses this talent you might ask? Freddie Mercury – lead vocals, piano, rhythm guitar (1970–1991), John Deacon – bass guitar (1971–1997), Roger Taylor – drums, percussion, vocals (1970–present), and Brian May – lead guitar, keyboards, vocals (1970–present). Sadly the only band members that are still playing are Roger Taylor and Brian May. Mercury died in 1991 of AIDS. Deacon retired 1997.
Queen has so much to brag about. They have sold 300 million albums, they made it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and have had their albums on UK Album Charts for 1,322 weeks! I like their music because it's timeless. I'm pretty sure everyone could find a favorite Queen song or two.
My Blogging Ideas
- What I see myself blogging about is stuff that I like. Instead of writing on a “prepared” assignment like, “Write about this,” or “Write about that,” I would blog about stuff I do on a day-to-day basis or my favorite stuff for my blogging ideas like
- Singing
- My favorite songs
- Music genre’s I favor
- My dog
- My favorite books
- Beauty tips
- Health tips
- Shopping
- My favorite bands
- Activities I like to do
- Common questions people ask
- Movies
Monday, October 1, 2012
My Favorite Band: Black Veil Brides!
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